Clive Newton KC specialises in Public law child cases, Private law child cases, Child Abduction cases and in education law. In public law child cases he represents parents, local authorities and guardians and is especially highly recommended for his considerable experience and expertise in cases involving allegations of serious child abuse where there is complex medical evidence.

He is also highly recommended in private law child cases especially in cases involving allegations of abuse, intransigent opposition to contact and relocation issues.

Although covering all aspects of education law, Clive most frequently represents higher education students who have grievances against their college or university.

Most recent cases include the following:

  • Successful representation in 2024 of the mother on her appeal to the Court of Appeal against a “pool finding” in care proceedings. The Court of Appeal set aside the Judge’s finding that the mother or one of her family inflicted serious head injuries on her 8 month old daughter in an episode of shaking.
  • Successful representation of a mother accused of serious physical abuse of her child.
  • Successful representation of two intervenors in two separate 2 week cases involving complex medical evidence. Both intervenors were accused of serious physical abuse of babies.
  • Successful representation of a father accused of serious sexual abuse of his 3-5 year old daughter in a 5 week case in 2021-2022 involving complex medical evidence.
  • Successful representation of a father accused of attempting to suffocate his 6 week old son in a 2 week case in 2022 involving complex medical evidence.

Reported cases include:

  • R (Children: Findings of Fact) 2024 EWCA Civ 153
  • G-L-T (children) [2019] EWCA Civ 7, (successful appeal against a finding of fact made against the father following a 4 week fact finding hearing in complex care proceedings)
  • Re Y [2017] (Learning disability case unreported but discussed by Gillian Geddes in Family Law Week 20.9.17)
  • Nottingham CC v LM [2014] EWCA Civ. 152 (important case for the proper construction of Article 15 of B2R)
  • K (A Child) 2013 EWCA 895 (important case for the proper construction of Article 15 of B2R)
  • MA v LB Camden & Others 2012 EWCA Civ 1340 (appeal against the dismissal of an application for revocation of a placement order)
  • JFM v Neath Port Talbot BC and others [2008] EWCA Civ 3 (represented a father accused of sexual abuse)
  • D (A Child) (Care Proceedings: Expert Evidence) [2010] 3 FCR 244 (represented local authority in the Court of Appeal)
  • Re B and Another (Children: Allegations of Sexual Abuse: Child’s Evidence) [2006] 2 FLR 1071 (represented the child by their guardian in the Court of Appeal)
  • Re B (Threshold Croteria: Fabricated Illness) [2004] 2 FLR 200 (represented local authority in case involving serious injury to the child)
  • Re M and R (Child Abuse: Evidence) [1996] 2 FLR 195 (important Court of Appeal decision on the correct approach to the welfare stage in care proceedings)

Reported Cases include:
F–K (A Child) [2005] EWCA Civ 155 (private law contact case representing mother suffering from PTSD)

Reported cases include:
P–J (Abduction Habitual Residence: Consent) [2009] 2 FLR 1051 (leading child abduction case)

Reported cases include:

  • R (Thilakawardhana) v OIA Court of Appeal Judgment handed down on 17 January 2018 (Judicial Review case)
  • R (Gopikrishna) v OIA [2015] EWHC 207 Admin (student’s successful application for judicial review of a decision of the OIA)
  • Chilab v King’s College London and Sewar 2013 2 Costs LR 191 (third party security for costs)
  • Chilab v KCL 2013 EWCA Civ 147 (appeal by student who alleged negligence and breach of contract by the defendant college)
  • R (LR) v FtT (HESC) and Herts CC (Costs) 2013 UKUT 0294 (important case on the applicable costs regime in the upper tribunal)


MA (Oxon. First Class Honours)
BCL (Oxon.)

Professional Memberships



Working knowledge of French and Greek


Co–editor of Jacksons Matrimonial Finance for the last 5 editions and for the forthcoming new edition

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